Montag, 14. Januar 2008

first 4 tabling session

wow now that was weired. i was down about 4 stacks and one tilty guy gave it all back to me. i ended up a bit about break even after 1K. i was playing looser than i did at nl50, running at 21/18/3.
some hands:
think i can't get away here given the stack to pot ratio..
i like my play here and i think i cannot get away when he raises on the turn. i was very aggressive so people seemed to call me down pretty light..

i am not sure about this one. i think his range here is pretty much a set or an overpair. maybe a flushdraw with overs or a straightdraw. i do have to think a bit more about this one..
his donk doesn't look very strong here and i did not want to scare him off a weak king. the turn is a good card for me giving him twopair a lot of the time.

think i am not the only one who lost a coinflip to gus...

i don't like my play here. his cbet does look so weak and i gave him no credit for an ace. on the turn i call my oesd to the small bet and as he checks on the river i figured that he might not have an ace but something stronger than my pocket that he might fold to a bluff. think that was a very bad hand and the best would have been to just check/fold the flop.

policano was 83/32/2.5 and i have been raising his minraises a ton. he min4bettet me 2 times before, once with TT a few hands before and i thought he was capable of 4betminraisebluff me to get more respect for a cbet. i thought his range is pretty wide and he would never fold any two face cards to my shove here.
50/30/something..... he could have minraised his flushdraw or maybe a straight draw but i wanted him to get it in to get value from bluffs. i think he might have folded his hand if i shoved the turn but not sure..

balto4 was my customer. he was tilting all his money away to me. in the end he lost 4 stacks to me.
i think i should have shoved the last hand because he called me so light and he could not get away from his good hands..

one interesting hand at the end:
he bet the ace so quickly that i was sure it did not help him. i think many weak player do bluff this ace here a lot of the time. i figured that he would not bet that turn if he really had a jack. he would have raised AJ so his range was pretty much a (semi)bluff,a weired jack and maybe 56 or a set. i think he would have thought a bit about betting if he would have had a flushdraw. given the timing and his betsizing i was pretty sure he had no flush and called the river. he frequently limped and pushed me off my hands post flop and i thought it was time to look him up. given the fact that his play is polarized towards monsters (56, set) or a bluff i think it's profitable to call down here.

thanks for reading and i am looking forward to getting some comments on my hands.

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