Samstag, 26. Januar 2008

500 hands and 4 stacks down

today i had the session i have been waiting for. i had no bad swings in the last two months so i don't mind loosing that much in one session. i thought i was prepared but i kind of tilted a bit because i seemed to get outdrawn every single hand. i tried to bluff callingstations and called down way too light..
biggest pot

i really did not play my A game but in most cases there was nothing i could do, pacific is rigged :P. actually i am really glad that i had this kind of a session, just to get back on the floor and work harder on my game. i kind of feel like federer now ;-).

Freitag, 25. Januar 2008

1k @ prima

put in 1000 hands today and started with a 3 buyins down. all reraised pots and people made some -EV preflop calls but got lucky on the flop.

i could establish an aggressive image and people adjusted to that..

"ace high might be good against this freak"

valuebetting the fish

in the end i was up 135$.
hope i can show you more interesting spots next time.

Dienstag, 15. Januar 2008

small pacific session

played 200 hands on pacific today. got some very soft games and made around 1.5 stacks which is ok.
That guy obviously tilted just because i raised every single hand in this orbit (aj,qq,ak,kk). i folded a squeeze with ak after an utg nit 4 bettet and i think he thought i am tilting or something, although i never showed bad hands.
I called because i had a good read on him. He always slowplayed his hands no matter what the board texture was so i figured that his checkraises on the flop are bluffs most of the time. he instacheckfolded the turn..

i think i will go snowboarding tomorrow because the weather is nice and i don't have courses on wednesday :)


did some math

i did some math on the qq hand. if his range includes:

i have 38% and i need something close to 38% so it's close.

if i narrow it down to (66,44,33,ahqh,Ah5h) i have 16 percent.

there is just one case where i can't fold here namely if villain would also raise here with 88,99,TT,JJ and that's what i assumed. yet i am not sure if he would do that but given the action on the flop he may not raise 88 or 99.

BUT: if he holds (33,44,66,ahqh,ah5h,88,99,TT,JJ,34,46) i am 52% favourite. if i narrow it down to (33,44,66,TT,JJ,34,46,Ah5h) i have 41% equit and it's close again.

i have seen him coldcalling KK but 3betting QQ so i am not sure what he does with
(TT,JJ,QQ,KK,AA ) in this spot.

i think with a better read that villain would go broke here with 88 and 99 and 3bet kk,aa preflop i could shove here but it's gonna be a marginal spot everytime. there is also a small chance that the coldcaller may slowplay a big hand.

i think it's close but this is a fold.

Montag, 14. Januar 2008

first 4 tabling session

wow now that was weired. i was down about 4 stacks and one tilty guy gave it all back to me. i ended up a bit about break even after 1K. i was playing looser than i did at nl50, running at 21/18/3.
some hands:
think i can't get away here given the stack to pot ratio..
i like my play here and i think i cannot get away when he raises on the turn. i was very aggressive so people seemed to call me down pretty light..

i am not sure about this one. i think his range here is pretty much a set or an overpair. maybe a flushdraw with overs or a straightdraw. i do have to think a bit more about this one..
his donk doesn't look very strong here and i did not want to scare him off a weak king. the turn is a good card for me giving him twopair a lot of the time.

think i am not the only one who lost a coinflip to gus...

i don't like my play here. his cbet does look so weak and i gave him no credit for an ace. on the turn i call my oesd to the small bet and as he checks on the river i figured that he might not have an ace but something stronger than my pocket that he might fold to a bluff. think that was a very bad hand and the best would have been to just check/fold the flop.

policano was 83/32/2.5 and i have been raising his minraises a ton. he min4bettet me 2 times before, once with TT a few hands before and i thought he was capable of 4betminraisebluff me to get more respect for a cbet. i thought his range is pretty wide and he would never fold any two face cards to my shove here.
50/30/something..... he could have minraised his flushdraw or maybe a straight draw but i wanted him to get it in to get value from bluffs. i think he might have folded his hand if i shoved the turn but not sure..

balto4 was my customer. he was tilting all his money away to me. in the end he lost 4 stacks to me.
i think i should have shoved the last hand because he called me so light and he could not get away from his good hands..

one interesting hand at the end:
he bet the ace so quickly that i was sure it did not help him. i think many weak player do bluff this ace here a lot of the time. i figured that he would not bet that turn if he really had a jack. he would have raised AJ so his range was pretty much a (semi)bluff,a weired jack and maybe 56 or a set. i think he would have thought a bit about betting if he would have had a flushdraw. given the timing and his betsizing i was pretty sure he had no flush and called the river. he frequently limped and pushed me off my hands post flop and i thought it was time to look him up. given the fact that his play is polarized towards monsters (56, set) or a bluff i think it's profitable to call down here.

thanks for reading and i am looking forward to getting some comments on my hands.

Sonntag, 13. Januar 2008

2 tabling

i played some small session on just two tables to get used to the new limit. things went good and it feels like there are still enough bad players at this limit but also more regs which makes things interesting.
some hands:

donks are the same..

and some donks have new weapons like 3betting light..
he has been 3betting me a ton and i felt like it's time to fire back.


given the stack sizes i had to call, expecting to see a fldrw with overs, maybe overpair to the flop or a set..

the 3better was pretty straightforward player and i figured he would not check in this spot with KK or AA and i did not expect the halfstack posting oop would show up with something better then queens here too often.

so far i played 500 hands on nl100 and i am not sure if i can add a lot to this because i have too many exams in the following weeks to concentrate on poker. looking forward to play a bit more afterwards.

have a nice day,

Sonntag, 6. Januar 2008

roger federer

i just read through roger federer's website and i was amazed how his mindset works. he thinks about the long run, not about one or two points.. i didn't realize how often in life it's important to let small throwbacks happen in order to achieve a bigger goal in the long run.

new blog, new limit

my real name is bernd and because i am going to play nl100 in the next time, i decided to start a poker blog in order to force myself to play my A game. although i am from austria, i decided to write in english for two reasons. firstly, because i want everybody to understand what i have to say and secondly, i want to improve my english because foreign languages are a big leak in my game. :P

i started to play poker about a year ago because a friend of
mine told my about and so we started to build our bankroll in microstake limit holdem games. i started to play no limit holdem fullring tables and felt very confortable playing nl10 with a way better winrate as at the limit games. i went up to 6max nl25 at absolute and decided to clear the fulltilt bonus at nl25. i had a 50k breakeven time at fulltilt because i could not deal with the aggression. party and absolute where i played before where much softer and i stopped playing for a while and tried to get help from a friend of mine (cntgetmedown), who told me to subscribe at cardrunners. i didn't because of the high subscribtion fee. i took my money from ftp and transfered it to a primanetwork skin. things started to get better but i was still not satisfied with my game. after having a good session i decided to subscribe at cardrunners and my suddenly my winrate increased.

i subscribed at around 100k hands and i am still very grateful that Danniel told me to do so.
Thx buddy ;)

i went through nl25, started to play nl50 in december and now i have the bankroll to play nl100.
right now i am mining nl100 tables, watching videos a
nd try to read some theory articles. i want to be well prepared.

here is my first and only session for this year. can't play right now because i a have to study for university...

thx for reading and good luck at the tables!

greetz, bernd