Samstag, 5. Juli 2008

nl 200 :)

yesterday i put in some hands on nl 200, just to get back the feeling for the bigger games. i have more then 30 stacks for nl 200 and i will occasionally play 2 to 4 tables until i have got 50 stacks. in the past i would have played nl 200 with 25 stacks but my swings got bigger lately and i think it's not good for my game (and not healthy for me) to lose half of my bankroll.

the session went well and i won 2 stacks in 300 hands playing 2 tables of nl200 and 4 of nl 100.
i had no problems with the cash ammount and got pretty good tables.
right now i think about playing 6 tables of nl 100 but i am still drunk :P
well, i don't care.
i'm allin.

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