Sonntag, 8. Juni 2008

HU - is it love?

played 1k hands of headsup nl100 and won around 6 stacks. i think i am getting better in hu with every new opponent i play. it's all about adjusting and the game changes completely whenever a new opponent enters the table. the dynamic and the flow of the match are so important that i think it's nearly impossible to get usefull feedback on a certain hand. at least i don't always remember exactly at what stage a game was afterwards.

so far i played 10k hands this month with a winrate of approximately 6.5 ptbb/100. that's because i don't have the hands of some sessions and i think i played most hands on nl100. this adds up to 1.2k $, which is around 4 euros and 30 eurocents, so i earned a beer at the "fanmeile" and tip for 50cents. :P

today austria lost very unlucky 0:1 to croatia. they were the better team but failed to score. i guess the dream of reaching the quarter finals is over but maybe we can show the world that we do have a good team. good luck guys.

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